The art of opening doors and building business relationships ... and having fun doing it.
Liz Bryant loves etiquette because of its power to instill a respect for self and for others. She launched her consultancy to be an ambassador of civility and to keep the focus on the positive aspects of what makes the business world function most effectively. And, plus, she thinks it’s a blast.
There are a lot of unknowns in today’s business landscape. Our vision is to provide people with practical knowledge in an area over which they do have control – business etiquette – and work with them to sharpen their edge to be successful and prevail over their competitors.
Are you ready to put your best professional image forward? Whether you need a refresher or a total professional renovation, we offer group and one-on-one trainings in the essential skills of business. Topics covered include areas such as effective networking, professionalism at the office, job interviewing techniques, and business meal etiquette.
To make a pleasant and friendly impression is not only good manners, but equally good business.
- Emily Post